Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Tribute to Georgia Kidwell

One of the highest honors an AAUW member can have is to have an AAUW Educational Foundation grant or fellowship named for her. I was privileged to attend the Northeast Tarrant County Branch meeting during which time they recognized their member, Georgia Kidwell, with a completed Research and Projects Grant in her name. The branch worked very hard to raise the $35,000 required and now the grant will provide funds to branches across the nation from now on.

Pictured from right to left is Mary Duboise, AAUW TX Educational Foundation Vice President; Georgia Kidwell; Priscilla Mowinkel, AAUW TX Membership Vice President; and Linda Conger.

Congratulations to the Northeast Tarrant County branch for their great fundraising! And, congratulations to Georgia Kidwell, a very deserving honoree!

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