Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Press Release: Women Graduates USA

Women Graduates USA began its formation at the Triennial Conference of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) this past August. Plans are underway to affiliate with the International Federation of University Women beginning in 2008.

Women Graduates-USA will focus on issues such as live long education for women and girls, international cooperation, friendship, peace and respect for human right. Other efforts will include advocating for the advancement of the status of women and girls and encouraging and enabling women and girls to apply their knowledge and skills in leadership decision making in public and private life.

Detailed information about the organization and the meetings held in Manchester, England, can be accessed at Women interested in potential membership are asked to contact, Barbara Carey, interim membership chair, at

The International Federation of University Women was initiated in 1919 by the leadership of Dean Virginia Gildersleeve of the American Collegiate Association and Rose Sidgewick of Great Britain. Eight associations from Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States formed the original organization. The American Association of University Women has served as the United States affiliate organization until 2007.